Happy Cheerful smiling enjoy, Young Family mother father and daughter sitting on the bed, blue background

Autism Support in Bangkok for Parents

An opportunity for parents of autistic children to discuss their ups and downs and learn.
PLEASE NOTE: ECSC Thailand are not healthcare professionals. We are English language professionals who are trying to raise awareness of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and help people.

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ECSC Thailand is taking this opportunity to tell readers about our unique Private English Course. It combines English language instruction with what could be described as “talking therapy,” to provide a different kind of autism support in Bangkok.

Our motivation is to provide a platform for parents who are raising autistic children, who are looking for a place to discuss their experiences, and who would like to improve their English communication skills in the process.

The course is overseen by Ajarn Darren, a long-time English teacher in Thailand who is himself the parent of a non-verbal autistic daughter and familiar with Autism support in Bangkok.

Read Ajarn Darren’s own words below, where he describes the aims and benefits of his Conversations About Autism classes…

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Conversations About Autism

“As a parent of an autistic child, where speaking to my dear daughter can sometimes feel like going to battle, I find solace in her every word of understanding and every gesture of acknowledgement.

My journey through life – like the lives of many other parents in Bangkok – is filled with both hardships and beauty. So it is in those moments of connection that I find strength.

ECSC Thailand’s Conversations About Autism course offers a sanctuary for moments of connection – between you (the parents of persons living with ASD) and a teacher who understands your challenges.

Conversations About Autism classes are a safe space where listening with empathy becomes a source of understanding. Where speaking with people living under similar circumstances is a catalyst for personal growth. And where honest, open conversation about autism provides a way to practice English.

Each conversation is a chance for healing, for empowerment, and for forging deeper connections within our community of ASD families. You can navigate the complexities of autism while honing your English communication skills.

It is in the gentle ebb and flow of words that we find refuge – a safe harbor where we are understood, supported, and celebrated. Together, we can follow a path of transformation, where every conversation is a step towards greater understanding, resilience, and love.”

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Conversations About Autism: Benefits for Parents

How do these conversations help parents? And why do we have them in English?

  1. They can provide catharsis & healing and new ways of thinking about things.
  2. They can build up your English vocabulary & speaking skills on this important topic.

One-on-One with Ajarn Darren
It is simply a matter of “sometimes talking about things with someone makes you feel better.” We understand not everyone wants to discuss the challenges they face in raising an autistic child, but many people do, including Ajarn Darren.

Both Parents with Ajarn Darren
In fact, it is common for both parents of an autistic child to find conversation with a new acquaintance helpful. Discussing the topic together with a third party can be beneficial when couples can’t seem to get the conversation started amongst themselves. Ajarn Darren can be a catalyst for conversation.

Small Groups of Parents with Ajarn Darren
Possibly even more popular than one-on-one or couples discussions are group discussions. This is where people from different walks of life can discuss their experiences.

Empowerment, connection, forging bonds, expanding horizons, relieving stress… and improving English. All possibilities in a Conversations About Autism course at ECSC Thailand.

Join us in our quest to provide Autism support in Bangkok, and let’s embark on this journey together. Let’s turn our conversations about autism into an inspiration of hope, understanding, and compassion – and learn a bit about the wonderful English language in the process.

Click here for more information about Ajarn Darren.

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Resources: There are many options for helping ASD families in Bangkok, such as…

BKK Kids
Dedicated to making it easier (and more fun!) to raise children in Thailand, BKK Kids loves writing about cool things to do, places to visit, and ways to experience Thailand for kids – and they have a blog page dedicated to “Finding Support For Children With Autism.”

Autism Awareness Thailand
Founded in August 2009, Autism Awareness Thailand (AAT) is a group of young professionals and students who seek to bring Autism Awareness to the forefront.

LEAP Thailand
(L)earning (E)ducation (A)dvocacy (P)rogram based in Bangkok is a point of contact for parents in need of support, referrals and information concerning their children’s learning disabilities, developmental delays, sensory integration and autism. For further information email [email protected].

St. Andrews International School Bangkok
As far as schools where you can receive support for children on the Autism spectrum, St. Andrews’ mission is to provide an inclusive, international education in a safe, happy, supportive and stimulating environment where all needs of the learner are met.

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ECSC Thailand helps parents of autistic children in Bangkok feel better and improve their English. To learn more, contact us today.
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