ECSC English Teacher Darren

Experienced English Teacher in Bangkok

Ajarn Darren is one of Bangkok's most experienced English teachers, training Thai professionals in English conversation since 2007.

If you would like to practice conversation with a highly experienced English teacher in Bangkok, Darren is your best choice.
Darren is from London, a father of three, an ardent Arsenal supporter, artist, and expert conversationalist.
Practicing English with Ajarn Darren is focused on building your vocabulary and using it in interesting and realistic conversation.

Father, Experienced English Teacher

“Life has taken me on a remarkable journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises as I navigate the exceptional difficulties of raising a non-verbal autistic daughter with my loving Thai wife, while pursuing my passion as a Business English training professional and becoming an expert English teacher in Bangkok.
Raising a non-verbal autistic daughter has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but our story is a testament to the strength of family bonds and the power of resilience in the face of challenges. The journey is peppered with moments of joy and triumphs as we celebrate our daughter’s unique way of interacting with the world. Yet, we also face hurdles and uncertainties, grappling with the communication barriers that can lead to frustration and tears. However, we have learned to find solace in non-verbal connections and the warmth of her unconditional love.
As an ESL teacher, I thrive on breaking down communication barriers and the interchange of cultures and ideas in my classroom. It provides solace and a sense of fulfillment, knowing that I am making a positive impact on my students’ lives. The support, understanding, patience, and unwavering love from my wife have been invaluable in balancing my professional commitments with the demands of raising our daughter.
Thai culture has taught me the importance of family and community which provide support during the challenging times and allow us to celebrate every milestone our daughter achieves. We have learned to lean on each other, find joy in the simple moments, share laughter as a family, recognizing that we are stronger together.
Life with a non-verbal autistic daughter, ESL teaching, and my loving wife have shaped me into a person of compassion and understanding. The challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. This rollercoaster journey certainly has its share of twists and turns, but together we embrace the voyage with open hearts and minds, celebrating the beauty of the ride and finding strength in one another along the way.”
ECSC English Teacher Darren

“Life with a non-verbal autistic daughter, ESL teaching, and my loving wife have shaped me into a person of compassion and understanding.”

Ajarn Darren

ECSC English Teacher Darren

“Drawings just come out of me, I can't really explain them. The result often mirrors my feelings at the time.”

Ajarn Darren

Artist, Expert Conversationalist

Darren Haggerty is described by those familiar with his drawings not as an experienced English teacher, but as a remarkable artist whose vibrant creations defy the limitations of his colorblindness. Despite his unique challenge discerning shades of the pantone, Darren’s colored pencil drawings stand as a testament to his unwavering determination and boundless creativity.
Self-taught and driven by an innate passion for art, Darren has mastered the delicate balance between color and feeling, infusing both into his works. Overcoming his colorblindness, he meticulously selects and combines hues that, to him, appear harmonious, resulting in mesmerizing abstract compositions that pulse with energy.
Each of Darren’s artworks is a labor of love that takes up to six weeks to complete. Through painstaking attention to detail, he weaves together meandering lines and intricate geometric shapes, creating a symphony of forms that dance across the paper. His process is a blend of patience, intuition, and dedication, with every stroke of the pencil carefully considered.
Darren’s abstract style is a reflection of his unique perspective on the world. His use of color is not based on convention, but rather an exploration of the emotions and stories each shade conveys to him personally. The end result is a collection of pieces that evoke a range of feelings, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a kaleidoscope of experiences.
Beyond his captivating artwork, Darren’s life journey serves as an inspiration to others facing obstacles. His commitment to his craft, despite the challenges he encounters, highlights the transformative power of art as a means of self-expression and resilience.
In a world where color might be a mystery to him, Darren has unlocked a realm of beauty and imagination through his vivid colored pencil drawings. His story encourages us all to embrace our passions, regardless of the obstacles we encounter along the way.