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English Communication Ability Comes From English Vocabulary

This article is Part 2 about Business English using the verb “to see.”
In Business English communication, you have probably heard farang speaking English in short phrases with the verb “to see” – and maybe you were not sure what they meant.
This article is the second article in a series where we look at different uses of the English verb “to see” (click here to read Part 1).

I see

One way of using the verb “see” that’s common in English communication is the phrase “I see,” which has nothing to do with your vision!
Instead, it is used to show someone that you understand what they are telling you. In this case, “I see” is used by itself, not as part of a longer sentence, and it can be used in either a negative or positive way.
For example, if your coworker tells you, “The boss said everyone has to work overtime today,” you can just reply with “I see” in a low voice tone. This indicates to your coworker that you understand, but this information does not make you happy. (Negative)
Another example is if your coworker tells you that they have just made a big sale. You can also reply to that bit of information with “I see!” using a high voice tone, because this information does make you happy. (Positive)
This is the kind of English language – focused on vocabulary over grammar – that you will learn on a Business English training course at ECSC. You will learn to พูดภาษาอังกฤษ by learning what English phrases mean, how to pronounce them, and when to use them!

You see?

Another phrase with “see” that you might hear in Business English at work – and which also has nothing to do with your eyeballs – is “You see?”
First, you can say it when you want to know if your coworker understands something you’ve said. For example, if you ask your boss for a day off next week, and their immediate answer is “no” – and you don’t like that answer, so you ask again – your boss might say, “Let’s look at the schedule. You see? K. Pla is already off that day, so I need you to work.”
Second, you can use “You see?” after you’ve shared information with someone. For example, your coworker might ask you for help with a task. If you show them an easy way to do it, and later they come to your desk to thank you for your help, you could say, “You see? It’s actually pretty easy.”

Let's see / Let me see

These two short phrases mean the same thing in professional English, and can be used in two different ways.
One way is when you need a little time to think about an answer, or to try to remember something. For example, if your client asks you what day you would like to have a meeting, you could reply by saying, “Hmmm, let’s see… {check your calendar} …how about Tuesday at 10am?”
Using the phrase in this way lets you pause before finishing the sentence.
The other way is to avoid answering a question because you don’t know the answer. For example, if your boss asks you whether your client has paid their invoice yet, and you are not sure, you could say “Let me see.” That’s a way of telling them that you can’t answer the question at that time, because you need to check first.
This article shows you three more ways to use the verb “to see” in normal situations in the workplace. Since these phrases are common in English communication, learning how to use them will definitely help you improve your Business English.
And don’t forget to click here to read Part 1!
To learn more about multi-words English vocabulary and how it can help you and your coworkers speak English (พูดภาษาอังกฤษ) more confidently, contact ECSC today.
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