ECSC Trainer Explaining English Vocabulary

English Conversation Practice for Professionals in Bangkok

English Conversation Practice lessons focus on vocabulary building, developing fluency, and the ability to use Business English politely & persuasively.
These lessons are designed for some intermediate students & all advanced students.
ECSC’s expert trainers place special attention on ensuring students are taught word pairs, phrases, expressions, and idioms that will help them communicate much more effectively at work.
The stages of a conversation practice lesson for Thai company employees are as follows:
  1. Employees learn a series of multi-words related to their jobs.
  2. The meanings of those multi-words are thoroughly defined.
  3. Our trainer explains how, when, and why to use that vocabulary in the workplace.
  4. Role-playing activities for speaking in realistic work situations are performed.
  5. The new multi-words are reviewed and key takeaways are discussed.
PLEASE NOTE: Lessons are built around multi-words vocabulary relevant to employees’ roles at the company, so they can speak Business English fluently – which is something Thai professionals can do better.

ECSC's English conversation lessons give employees plenty of opportunities to practice speaking in situations related to their jobs.

English conversation practice delivers three benefits to Bangkok businesses...

More Confident Employees

ECSC will fill employees’ vocabularies with multi-words that they can easily use. They will become better listeners too, with a greater ability to understand English around them. That’s a sure way to increase confidence.

More Communication in English

The increased confidence means employees engage in more Business English with coworkers & customers, and there are fewer misunderstandings. That’s a sure way to increase an employee’s motivation.

More Satisfied Colleagues & Customers

The increased motivation means greater participation in 1-on-1 discussions, team meetings, lunch-time conversations, and Slack & Gmail chats. When employees are inspired, the people around them benefit.
ECSC Trainer Teaching English
ECSC Trainer Teaching English

Multi-words lead Thai professionals to confident English conversation

Here are 8 examples of Business English that’s commonly spoken in professional situations.

“mull over”

Meaning: to think about something deeply before making a decision

Multi-word (in blue): I haven't decided what to charge per hour, I’m still mulling it over.

(ยังคิดไม่ตก ว่าจะคิดค่าบริการต่อชั่วโมงกี่บาท)

“vouch for”

Meaning: to confirm that someone is the person they claim to be

Multi-word (in blue): I used to work with Jane, I can vouch for her as a good manager.

(ฉันเคยร่วมงานกับเจน ฉันรับรองได้ว่าเจนเป็นผู้จัดการที่ดี)

“capitalize on”

Meaning: to get an advantage from an event or situation

Multi-word (in blue): There's a real opportunity to capitalize on the company's restructuring.

(มีโอกาสที่เราจะใช้ประโยชน์จากการปรับโครงสร้างบริษัทได้จริง ๆ)

“not feasible”

Meaning: not able to be achieved or accomplished

Multi-word (in blue): I know he said we could finish the project by Friday, but that’s just not feasible.

(ฉันรู้ว่าเขาพูดว่าพวกเราทำโปรเจกต์เสร็จทันวันศุกร์ได้ แต่ฉันว่าทำไม่ได้หรอก)

“my hands are tied”

Meaning: unable to do something because of certain circumstances

Multi-word (in blue): I’d like to give you a raise, you deserve it. But my hands are tied by the pay freeze.

(ฉันก็อยากขึ้นเงินเดือนตามที่คุณสมควรได้ให้ แต่ฉันทำอะไรไม่ได้ เพราะมีนโยบายคงฐานเงินเดือน)

“back to square one”

Meaning: starting over on a project from the beginning

Multi-word (in blue): The client changed their logo & tagline, so we’re back to square one with the branding.

(ลูกค้าเปลี่ยนโลโก้และสโลแกน เราจึงต้องกลับมานับหนึ่งใหม่กับการสร้างแบรนด์)

“Could you elaborate, please?”

Meaning: asking someone to explain something in more detail

Multi-word (in blue): I’m not sure what you mean by “the usual process.” Could you elaborate, please?

(ฉันไม่แน่ใจว่า “กระบวนการปกติ” ที่คุณพูดถึงนั้นหมายถึงอะไร ช่วยอธิบายอย่างละเอียดหน่อยได้ไหม)

“Can you bring me up to speed?”

Meaning: asking someone to explain what has already occurred

Multi-word (in blue): I don’t know what changed, I missed the last two updates. Can you bring me up to speed?

(ฉันไม่รู้ว่ามีอะไรเปลี่ยนไปบ้าง เพราะไม่ได้ติดตามอัปเดตสองครั้งล่าสุด คุณช่วยเล่าทุกอย่างที่เปลี่ยนไปให้ฉันฟังหน่อยได้ไหม)