Call center, woman and working in team office with headset, computer and online customer support, service or help. Businesswoman, smile and contact us, crm and telemarketing employee talking

Business English Skills Help Thai Companies Satisfy Customers

Bangkok employers benefit when their employees speak good English.

*EDITOR’S NOTE: This article makes reference to something called “multi-words,” which is ECSC’s own term for vocabulary that contains more than one word.

Business English skills are discussed a lot online. In many countries where English is not the first language, people understand how important English speaking skills are to their careers and to the companies they work for.

Surprisingly, not many schools or language centers in Thailand discuss it. As far as I can tell, ECSC is one of the few English Training institutions in Bangkok to do so (because Business English is our specialty).

The reason it is our specialty is because our Founder and our trainers all have business-world experience in addition to English-teaching experience. We are as comfortable in a conference room as we are in a classroom.

But what is “Business English” exactly, and how does it help Thai companies generate revenue?

What is Business English?

The way that ECSC defines Business English is very simple:
  • Business English skills are a set of tools that allow Thai professionals to communicate clearly & confidently with farang.
That’s it. There is no need to mention “grammar,” or “formal / informal,” or even “fluency” (which is quite difficult to achieve) – yet these three things are almost always mentioned by English training companies in Thailand (besides ECSC).
For ECSC, the most important thing is accuracy, and that Thai professional employees are able to communicate automatically without first thinking in pasa Thai and then translating to pasa Angrit.
We do not pretend that we can turn people into perfect English speakers. Which is totally fine, because I’m not a perfect English speaker either, and anyways, it shouldn’t be the goal. Thai employees’ goal should be to understand colleagues or customers speaking English and to reply without hesitation or shyness. This is true for communicating with farang and ASEAN customers or colleagues in Slack chats, email strings, Zoom calls, department meetings, and Powerpoint presentations.
Unfortunately, most Thais from a very early age are not taught to become accurate speakers. And in adulthood, the Corporate English lessons they receive at their workplaces also focus on grammar and fill-in-the-blank worksheets.
That is unless your Business English training partner is ECSC – because we focus on vocabulary and listening & speaking practice.

How to Develop Business English Skills

The best way for adult Thai professionals to improve their Business English ability is to learn relevant vocabulary and have plenty of opportunities to practice speaking.
This of course includes plenty of opportunities to practice listening as well, which employees in Thai companies do not get enough of if they are trained on grammar from a work book.
The vocabulary that ECSC trains Thai professionals on is related to their jobs and careers. We present realistic multi-words vocabulary to our students, in realistic business environments, by role-playing realistic business situations.
Placing students in realistic environments (such as “Department Meetings”) and building lessons around realistic situations (such as “Discussing the agenda for the meeting.”) helps them build up their confidence – because when they attend a real department meeting with English speakers, they know what to say.
Business English training at ECSC looks like this:
  • Vocabulary Lesson → Employee Confidence → English Speaking at Work → More Employee Confidence → More English Speaking at Work…


  • English Speaking at Work → Employee Growth → Benefits for the Company → More Employee Growth → More Benefits for the Company…

What Are the Benefits of Business English to Your Company?

Remember, ECSC is Thailand’s Business English Expert. So here’s what we offer:
  • Corporate-Experienced Trainers
  • Vocabulary & Confidence for Students
  • Speaking English, Using English, Communicating in English…

The benefits of this for your company are easy to grasp:

  1. Gain More New Customers
  2. Keep More Existing Customers
ECSC’s Business English Courses and Workshops are how your company can start getting better at satisfying customers. 

Contact Ajarn Don today to find out more about how we can help your employees grow and your company benefit.

Key multi-words vocabulary in this article:

  1. generate revenue
  2. as far as I can tell
  3. totally fine
  4. without hesitation
  5. easy to grasp

To learn more about how multi-words help Thai professionals like you to speak English better (พูดภาษาอังกฤษ) or how ECSC’s Corporate English courses help Human Resources departments improve employees’ Business English skills, contact us today.

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