
Business English Phrases Using the Word “Budget”

Two-word vocabulary phrases help Thai professionals discuss business expenses.

*EDITOR’S NOTE: This article makes reference to something called “multi-words,” which is ECSC’s own term for vocabulary that contains more than one word.

Most people would agree that it’s important to keep expenses under control when running a business. This is especially true if you want to make the boss happy, and knowing a few Business English phrases will help you do that.

Expenses are a frequent topic of discussion in many departments inside a company, where employees will often see and hear two-word vocabulary units that include the word ‘budget’.

This post will show you three common multi-words using the word ‘budget’ which can help you improve your Business English communication with your coworkers.

Budget Cuts

The first Business English phrase using ‘budget’ is ‘budget cuts’. This multi-word refers to reducing the amount of money that is available to be spent on expenses. In other words, it means the company is “cutting” (reducing) its spending on certain things.

One example would be, “The company had to close three of its stores due to budget cuts,” which means they didn’t have the money available to continue operating those stores. Or, “The manager announced the company will not have its annual party this year because of budget cuts.”

Budget Constraints

The two-word Business English phrase ‘budget constraints’ is a multi-word that is commonly used in accounting departments and high-level meetings. It refers to how much money is available to spend on business expenses.

For example, your manager might say, “The company announced there will be no Christmas bonuses this year because of budget constraints,” which means there isn’t enough money available for bonuses. Or, the accounting department might say to the marketing department that, “We cannot approve additional funding for your online campaign because of Q2 budget constraints.”

Tight Budget

Our last example is ‘tight budget’ which is a Business English phrase that is similar to ‘budget constraints’. It means there is only a small amount of money available to spend on certain business expenses.

You might see sentences such as, “The company is operating on a tight budget” and “We’ve got a tight budget for marketing costs in the next quarter.” The first example refers to the company only spending a small amount of money on all of its operating costs and the second example means the company will not allocate a lot of money for marketing in the next quarter.

In this post, we looked at three common Business English phrases using the word ‘budget’ for talking about expenses. If you have worked in an accounting department, you have likely seen or heard these in the past. If you don’t work in accounting they will still be very helpful – someone is always talking about budgets, often about budgets for employee training! ECSC can provide your company with effective Business English training that will fit into your budget.

Key multi-words vocabulary in this article:

  1. budget cuts (noun + noun)
  2. budget constraints (noun + noun)
  3. tight budget (adjective + noun)
  4. frequent topic of discussion (semi-fixed expression)
  5. high-level meeting (adjective + noun)

To learn more about how multi-words help Thai professionals like you to speak English better (พูดภาษาอังกฤษ) or how ECSC’s corporate English courses help Human Resources departments improve their employees’ Business English skills, contact us today.

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