
Corporate English Vocabulary Using The Word “Decision”

Let’s look at the different kinds of decisions people make at work.

*EDITOR’S NOTE: This article makes reference to something called “multi-words,” which is ECSC’s own term for vocabulary that contains more than one word.

You have probably heard your boss or coworkers use Corporate English vocabulary with the word ‘decision’. Perhaps you saw some two-word phrases that include ‘decision’ in an email or Slack chat, or you heard them in a presentation – but you didn’t know exactly what they meant.

In this post you will learn the meanings of three common Corporate English multi-words that have the word ‘decision’ and how they are used in Business English in the workplace. (These are adjective + noun multi-words.)

Tough Decision

One common Corporate English vocabulary phrase with the word ‘decision’ is ‘tough decision’. In this case, the word ‘tough’ means difficult or hard, so a ‘tough decision’ is a ‘not easy’ decision.

For example, your boss might tell an employee, “We had to make a tough decision and lay off some people from the department,” or, “It was a tough decision, but we decided to move our office from Asoke to Nonthaburi.”

In those two sentences, the company had to make difficult decisions to fire some employees and also to move the office to a far away location.

Hasty Decision

Another example of two-word Corporate English vocabulary using the word ‘decision’ is ‘hasty decision’. Saying ‘hasty’ here means to make a decision quickly, before carefully thinking about the outcome – and it leads to a negative outcome.

Your boss could say, “We made a hasty decision to lay off K. Pla & K. Phum from the company, and now we don’t have enough staff to handle all the work!” or, “We made a hasty decision when we chose to move the office to Nonthaburi, because now everyone wants to work from home.”

In these examples, the boss made these two decisions too quickly without thinking about the possibility of negative consequences.

Unanimous Decision

Finally, let’s look at another Corporate English vocabulary phrase using the word ‘decision’, which is ‘unanimous decision’. The word ‘unanimous’ means that everyone in a group of people agrees on something.

So, you might hear your boss say in a meeting, “Leadership has reached a unanimous decision not to lay off anyone right now” or, “It was a unanimous decision by leadership to move the office from Asoke to Nonthaburi because it is less expensive there.”

These examples mean that everyone in the leadership group agrees not to lay off any employees and to move the location of the office from downtown to a cheaper location.

In this post we looked at three common Business English phrases that use the word ‘decision’, but there are many other common English phrases that also use the word ‘decision’.

As you continue to learn more English multi-words, it is important that you don’t make any hasty decisions! Take your time to decide how to learn English, and when you are ready to take a Business English course in Bangkok, contact ECSC.

Key multi-words vocabulary in this article:

  1. tough decision (adjective + noun)
  2. hasty decision (adjective + noun)
  3. unanimous decision (adjective + noun)
  4. lay off (phrasal verb)
  5. negative consequences (adjective + noun)

To learn more about how multi-words help Thai professionals like you to speak English better (พูดภาษาอังกฤษ) or how ECSC’s corporate English courses help Human Resources departments improve their employees’ Business English skills, contact us today.

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