Business English Consulting in Bangkok

Business English Consulting in Bangkok

ECSC Thailand offers a new solution: Onsite English Consulting.

Onsite English Consulting moves Business English training from the grammar class to the workplace.

The reason for doing this is because in 2024, the grammar-based Business English training delivered by the conventional language schools and training centers in Bangkok is neither very effective, nor particularly inspiring.
In ECSC Thailand’s experience, Thai professionals learn to use English much more effectively & productively when they’re coached in real workplace situations. This type of “on-the-job training” is best achieved through Onsite English Consulting.

Why Do We Call It “Consulting”?

Just like other kinds of professional consulting, such as sales consulting, brand/marketing consulting, or IT consulting, Onsite English Consulting is based on two principles:
  1. Providing companies with an objective outsider opinion, in this case on the English ability of individuals and departments.
  2. Identifying weaknesses, setting goals, executing development plans, and measuring improvements in people and processes.
Also like other kinds of professional consulting, the key to Onsite English Consulting is communication. The relationships between our consultant, your HR / Training team, and the decision makers in your company are critical to the success of the service.

What Are the Key Features?

Onsite English Consulting involves your company hosting our consultant at your offices, during normal business hours, just like a freelance or contract worker. The 5 primary features of the service include:
  1. Building trust with employees.
  2. Encouraging them to use English confidently.
  3. Coaching them on spoken & written communication.
  4. Practicing with them regularly in real-world situations.
  5. Providing immediate feedback and error correction.
The benefits of Onsite English Consulting go beyond the improvements to your employees’ English communication skills. This type of training has a direct impact on their job satisfaction, productivity, and performance.
Onsite English Consulting style of Business English training in Bangkok.
Thai employees learn to use English more effectively & productively when they're coached in real workplace situations.

Let's Look More Closely at the Benefits

Benefits for Companies

Immediate improvements from the employees writing & speaking English more clearly & confidently.
  • More New Customers
  • Happier Existing Customers
  • Growing & Enthusiastic Employees
  • Eager, Career-Oriented Candidates
  • “English-Engaged” HR Departments
  • Professionalism Your Rivals Lack

Benefits for Employees

Increased self-esteem from the company investing in Business English training that is empowering.
  • Confidence
  • Sense of Achievement
  • Increased Productivity
  • Potential for Promotions
  • Expanded Professional Network
  • Open Doors for New Opportunities

Industries We Serve

ECSC Thailand helps SMEs and multi-nationals in Bangkok. Our customers are companies that understand the positive impact of Business English training on communication inside the company and with clients. Our areas of specialization include:

  • English for Telecoms
  • English for Insurance Companies
  • English for Banking & Financial Services
  • English for Real Estate & Property Development
  • English for Logistics, Supply Chain, & Import/Export Firms

Try Something New to Empower Your Employees

ECSC Thailand exists to help Bangkok companies help their Thai employees improve their English communication skills.
Contact us to learn more about Onsite English Consulting for your employees and how it can improve productivity and profits for your company.

Contact Us today!

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