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Executive English Coaching In Bangkok

Executive English coaching helps CEOs & Managing Directors communicate with impact.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is about Executive English Coaching in Bangkok, which is one of ECSC Thailand’s four training services.

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English communication skills are critical for companies to succeed in ASEAN countries. They can help almost every employee, from entry-level to CEO – which is why Executive English Coaching in Bangkok is so common.
English skills mean more than just speaking & writing – they are a way to win friends and influence people!

Even senior executives with strong speaking and writing abilities may need to upskill their English so they can communicate with colleagues & customers and make an impact.

This article will touch on some of the key features & benefits of Executive English Coaching from ECSC Thailand.
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Situations Where “Executive English” Is Required

Most executives in Thailand already possess a high level of English ability. But many would benefit from upskilling and gaining a deeper understanding of the subtleties of Business English.

English training will help a CEO or Managing Director get more knowledge about communicating impactfully in these common situations:
  1. Handling Media Inquiries
  2. Giving Keynote Speeches
  3. Meeting With Boards of Directors
  4. Guiding Company All-In Meetings
  5. Negotiating High-value Transactions

But what will an Executive English Coaching program specifically teach a CEO or Managing Director about professional communication?

Executive English Coaching
Vocabulary, pronunciation, tone of voice, and body language make a big difference in how business leaders are perceived.
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Would English training give your CEO or Managing Director more confidence?
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Specific Features of Our English for Executives Service

The service focuses on five key areas that are essential for giving other business leaders confidence in your abilities:
  1. Upgrading Business Vocabulary
    • Even executives who are fluent in English can benefit from enhancing their vocabulary. Using advanced vocabulary positions CEOs as forward-thinking leaders who speaks the language of modern business.
  2. Perfecting Pronunciation
    • Speaking English according to grammar rules is one thing, but being understood clearly by an international audience is another thing. Mispronunciations, however small, can cause confusion or even weaken the speaker’s authority.
  3. Enhancing Conversation Skills
    • Whether it’s leading a meeting or engaging in small talk at a networking event, the ability to participate in conversations smoothly is crucial. Our service coaches business executives how to make meaningful points at the right times.
  4. Mastering Western Communication Styles
    • Western business communication often differs significantly from the communication norms in Thailand. One-on-one executive English Coaching helps non-native speakers adapt their style to be persuasive, concise, polite.
  5. Communicating with Impact
    • Once again, the ability to impress others with words is critical leadership roles. We help top people make points that indicate authority during presentations, meetings, and also private conversations.
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We can upskill upgrade your CEO’s or Managing Director’s Business English vocabulary & pronunciation skills.
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The Benefits of English For Executives

We talked about the five key features of good executive English training. Now, let’s look at the benefits for your company:
  • Gain a Competitive Edge
    • When employees learn to communicate with impact & influence in English, the company gains a competitive advantage.
That’s the major benefit, whether the employee learning is entry-level or CEO. Of course there are other benefits, but what could be more important than improving the company’s bottom line for a C-Suite executive?

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How Long Are ECSC’s Coaching Programs? How About Pricing?

Leadership English training for companies in Thailand can vary in length. It really depends on the starting “ability level” of your CEO or Managing Director, and their specific needs.
We offer 15, 30, or 45-hour courses, with each lesson being 60 or 90-minutes long, whichever is better for our customer. Here is a general snapshot of what Executive English Coaching in Bangkok might look like for you:
  • Length: 30-hour course (20 lessons at your company offices)
  • Price: 1,650 THB per hour = 49,500 THB investment

That’s a modest investment for successful companies that value upskilling their top employees. Especially when it comes to English communication skills in Thailand – after all, we live in a communication economy.

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Visit our Contact Us page to inquire about our Executive English Coaching in Bangkok. Or, schedule a discovery call with ECSC’s founder, Ajarn Don.

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