Business English Workshops in Thailand

Business English Workshops in Thailand

Innovative English communication training that's inspiring and effective.

Do you remember when people used to say “we work in the information economy?”

That’s still true today in 2024, but it might be truer to say something like “we work in the communication economy—and Business English Workshops are an important part.”

Human Resources departments inside large companies in Thailand would probably agree with both statements. They’re the ones who are responsible for sharing so much information and for supporting employee communication throughout their companies.

Not only that, HR is directly responsible for ensuring employee communication effectiveness since their Learning & Development people are usually in charge of employee communication training.

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Why Is English Communication Training So Important?

In Thailand, this question is relatively easy to answer.
Just about every multinational company you could name has a presence in Thailand, small- and mid-sized companies here are often owned or co-owned by non-Thai speakers, their employees are often from different countries and cultures, and their products and services are often aimed at an international clientele.
English communication skills tie it all together, which you could sum up in the following way:
  1. Basic English communication skills are a necessity.
  2. Advanced English communication skills are a differentiator.
Without #1, your company may fall behind the competition. Without #2, your company may not get ahead of the competition.
Believe it or not, there’s a good chance that your competition understands that if they don’t keep getting better at English, they will fall behind. So they’re making an effort to establish “English speaking cultures” inside their companies.
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Are you making an effort to establish a culture of English inside your company?

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ECSC vs. Traditional English Communication Training

The facts are the facts when it comes to speaking English in Thailand, so the time has never been better to integrate Business English training into your talent development plans.

Serious L&D professionals know this. They know that in the new communication economy, employees place a high value on company-sponsored learning opportunities.

The problem is, many business owners and HR leaders also know that the traditional Business English learning opportunities for corporate employees in Thailand are uninspiring. Even worse, they are largely ineffective.
They involve a grammar lesson from a workbook, twice per week at the end of the workday, when everyone’s tired, hungry, and dreading their commutes through Bangkok rush hour.
(Just to be clear, the trainers in these situations do their best to make their two-hour grammar lessons inspiring and effective. Unfortunately, they fail because the materials and methods they’ve been given are old fashioned. You may be familiar.)
On the other hand, ECSC’s Business English Workshops are innovative and include our three fundamentals of effective English communication training:
  1. Teaching realistic workplace vocabulary
  2. Providing positive & constructive feedback
  3. Involving learners in interactive tasks & activities
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Do you know why vocabulary is so much more effective than grammar instruction?
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Three Fundamentals of Effective Business English Workshops

ECSC’s three fundamentals are what make English communication training inspiring and effective for Thailand’s “laptop class” of professionals.
So let’s list them again, even more simply:
  • Vocabulary
  • Encouragement
  • Active Participation
The thing that sets us apart from other language centers and training providers in Thailand is how we incorporate the three fundamentals into our workshops.
Rather than using generic training materials, we tailor our content to reflect the specific situations that your employees encounter in their day-to-day work. This “highly contextual” approach ensures that the skills they develop in training are directly applicable to their roles.
For example, if your Customer Service team frequently communicates with international clients, our workshops will focus on vocabulary to improve their ability to manage cross-cultural communications effectively. They will be made to feel confident emailing or speaking English, and they will happily participate in entertaining activities that help them understand when and how to use their new vocabulary.
By using real workplace scenarios, we ensure that participants leave our workshops with CORE SKILLS that they can immediately apply, boosting both their confidence and performance.
Our workshops cover all the core language skills, plus "soft skills."
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Combining Vocabulary With Professional Soft Skills

Our Business English Workshops do more than just teach vocabulary; they are designed to enhance the overall communication skills of participants.
Participants learn not just the words, but the right words, and how to use them in various professional situations. And we emphasize the importance of soft skills—such as active listening, empathy, and clarity in communication—which are crucial in any business environment.
So whether it’s drafting a compelling email, delivering a persuasive presentation, or navigating a difficult business meeting, our workshops equip employees with the tools they need to communicate with the right touch and tone.
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More Than Just Training: It’s Employee Performance Consulting

At ECSC, we pride ourselves on being more than just training designers or workshop providers.
We are dedicated to being strategic partners in your employees’ growth. You could refer to us as an Employee Performance Consultancy, where our goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your workforce.
We achieve this by taking a holistic approach to employee development, ensuring that the Business English and soft skills we teach are aligned with your business goals and objectives.
Our collaboration with clients doesn’t end with a workshop. We work closely with Talent Managers, HRBPs, and Learning & Development teams to develop long-term relationships, ensuring that your employees continue to improve their English communication skills and never fall behind.
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Why Choose ECSC Thailand?

The first question HR leaders should ask themselves is whether they truly value English communication skills in the communication economy of 2024.
If your answer is yes, then choosing ECSC as your training partner means choosing a collaborator who understands the unique challenges faced by Thai companies. Our local expertise, combined with our global experience, enables us to deliver training that leads to more employee engagement, better teamwork, and increased productivity.
By investing in our Business English Workshops, you are investing in the future success of your employees and your company.
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ECSC Thailand helps companies in Bangkok help their employees improve their Business English. To learn more, contact us today about our Workshops & Courses, Executive English Coaching, and Onsite Consulting.

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